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This blog was opened by haniza to accomodate my mindless musings and daily rantings.Do enjoy your stay here, and don't take what's not yours! tagboard
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Edward's 21th Birthday Party
Ok, I've not update a proper update for long. Hehe. But I'm here with Edward's Birthday party. =) We arrived at the chalet. Its the exact same one as the previous class chalet. In fact, this is just in front of the Kingfisher (the previous chalet's name). ![]() Total of 4 rooms. And of course, we brought our wii.. ![]() This is the catered food. There's the barbecued food as well. ![]() Of course, we had to do work. And here, we look like cheap labour, (factory workers, really). We were packing 100 over party bags. But in the end, edward forgot to give it out. LOLS. There were so many left. ![]() Of course pictures were taken. In case we didn't have the time afterwards. And seriously, we didn't have much time. ![]() the pit outside. Isn't the sunset nice? I took the picture, I had to take the camera out of the fence to take this. LOLS. ![]() Playing wii. =) ![]() The birthday cake from Prima Deli that costs 100 over. Yupps, expensive huh. ![]() Pictures with the cake. =) ![]() Edward and his super long wish. Its the longest wish I've ever seen someone made. HAHAHAHAS. Ok, maybe he had loads to wish for. Unlike me, 'I wish to pass my exams' -roll eyes- Ok, insider joke. Tell you about that another time. Hehe. ![]() BBQ! Yes, and we cannot miss my sister scratching her head. FOREVER! ![]() MORE WII! Ok you've got to look at the video. Sorry for those who does not have me as their friend and facebook account. (come on, get a life already!) http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=4500&id=568238377#/video/?of=710482612 ![]() His presents. There's a lot more but I didn't manage to get the others. Well, last year was surprisingly a lot. But this year's a SO MUCH MORE. Let's see, he had more than 3 perfume (Hugo Boss, Emporio Armani, Polo). We've already established the fact that maybe his acquaintances and friends thinks he's smelly. HAHAHAHAS. In the midst of all these, he had like 3 watches i only remember 1 casio and the other was k-swiss. Something from Dolce and Cabanna. Tangs $200 voucher and some voucher from TOD'S. one or two t-shirts. An adidas jacket (very pretty, Its from Eliza most probably) Ok, As you can see, the list will go on. I got him a shot glass and some pimple pills HAHAHAHAS. Its a joke. LOLs. Its some sweet. Syimah said the jelly bean was nice. =) Yupps. That's all. =) We stayed over of course. Kinda. We didn't even sleep. We played games - Bridge, Dai Di, Indian Poker and Wii. Ok, I'm done......... SEE YOU! Nice cake..
the cake that i decorated is NICE...........totally love it. you know me and my desserts. muahahahahas. but the cake is really good. hahahas. maybe we can go back there and do again when its my sister's birthday.. I wonder. hahahas. happy birthday
happy 18th birthday to me. =)
Icing Place
Well, I'm too excited about today to blog about yesterday. Besides, wanru's photos are not up. Hahas.Ok, my family went for a wedding first. Then, we headed to jurong point, (since we're already in the area). Then, we saw this shop called the 'Icing place' if i'm not wrong. Its this shop that you buy a normal plain cake and you decorate it yourself with icing. =) I was so excited and I wanted to do it badly. So, I bought it and me and my sister decorated it. =) And it turned out pretty good ok! ![]() The stand in which we put our cake on. ![]() The cake before. ![]() After we decorate it. I wrote the words on the cake. I know, it looks a bit ugly, but the hole for the icing is realy small. =( But I think its not bad already. I drew the balloons too! My Sister did the butterfly. the flowers you see at the bottom were given. hahahaas. ![]() First step. ![]() The top. ![]() The sides. =) Aren't we good!!! And people were like looking at us all the time -.- And obviously they said its nice. MUAHAHAHHAHAAS. Soon after, syimah arrived and they decided to do another one for edward. And we started again... ![]() The sides, we wrote his name. and the top, quite nice right! ![]() I drew the guy, the flower, the hearts and umbrella. pretty? Guess what, we were trying to imitate this: ![]() I would say its good enough attempt. MUAHAHHAHAS. I totally love both of it. =) Had fun today. weeeeee.... EPIC MOMENT
GUESS WHAT! I forgot my exam what today. not really forgot, but I thought it was on thursday. But, it was on wednesday. And guess what?! I only found out 1/2 before the paper started.Lovely isn't it? HAHAHAHAS. Well, so happen that I was on the way to Plaza Singapura to get some stuff, and when yanping messaged me 'where are you now?' Usually she will only messaged me that if we were going to school. So, I started panicking a bit. So I quickly called peiling, and i asked, where are you now? 'Long John' my mind just went WTF! Because she's in long john all the time before a paper. So I decided to really confirm it, 'isn't that paper tomorrow?' 'NO! Its today.' 'OMG.!' < me 'You don't know?!' < peiling 'I thought its tomorrow!!!' < me Yupps, so that's how it went. totally epic right!!!! I practically panicked for a one two stations. By the time, I already took out my notes (that I brought out with me) to study. And I actually had like 5 - 4 more chapters to study. So, can you imagine? -.- Yea, I reached the exam hall on time. So its okay. But the questions were like fucking easy, if you studied. Key word here, 'IF YOU STUDIED' so obviously i felt dead and demoralized... But.... its ok.. let's hope i can pass. I need a miracle........... COME TO ME NOW MIRACLE!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahas. ok, what's done is done, get it over with. =) I've already ate my CEREAL> MUAHAHAHAHAS. Yupps, went down to NTUC and got banana nut crunch. Not so nice as honey bunch oats and blueberry. LOLS. But, its ok. I got my cereal. HAHAHAS. SPOILT My birthday is coming. YAY~ Nothing to be happy actually. LOLS. I'm just excited to eat my waffle in Ice Cube. MUAHAHAHAS. Well, unless they change venue. I HOPE NOT. If they, I'll just go over on my own. WEEE... Ok, My mother bought the phone for me. =) And Maira, you owe me cup cakes. YAY!! Cup cakes. DROOLS. Cup cake cup cake cup cake. My birthday is on Monday. But, I'm celebrating once on Friday, another time on Saturday. Oh, I'm celebrating Edward's birthday on Friday too. LOLS. Got BBQ. And sorry peeps, no BBQ for my birthday. Because no time, And i'm still studying for my exams. LOLS. Well, not really. I've not been studying. HAHAHHAs. Ok, I'm going to start today or rather tonight.. I WANT POST CEREAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, maybe I should head down now. Hmmm... THE Nokia E63
I already got my phone the other day, which is yesterday. HAHAHAHAS. its nice. =) I'm totally satisfied with my buy, and trust me, I'm usually not satisfied. But, honestly, I really like the phone. =)SO yea peeps, get yours today. Yea right.. HAHAHAS. Ok, let's see, i can read books from my phone, wifi and i can listen to the radio without the headset antenna thingin'. HOWEVER, there is no secondary camera and only a 2MP camera. So those who LOVES and need a camera badly, I guess this is not this phone for you. Other than that, ITS AWESOME. =) I had a mini feast today. HAHAHAS. I went to guides today and went and ate sushi tei at serangoon garden, didn't expect it to be cheap. But it was! We paid only like 15 bucks each. Then, we wanted to go to frolick, but ended up at ICE3 (Cube) instead. Its this pretty nice dessert cafe down the alley of frolick. Pretty good. I ate the waffle, pretty worth it. =) NICE day so far. And, ellis came back with me to play wii. =) For an hour. Then she headed to tampines/simei to go to her friends' house. And that was how my day was practically spent. And where did my studying fit into all these? NONE. LOLS. However, I'm going to bath now and study. =) I hope to cover maybe 2 - 3 chapters today before continueing tml. =) SEE YA! I feel like naming my phone. What do you guys think? |