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about this blog
This blog was opened by haniza to accomodate my mindless musings and daily rantings.Do enjoy your stay here, and don't take what's not yours! tagboard
Adrina Amelia Celestine Danial Ellis Ervin Esther Eugenia Tan Eugenia Lau Eugin Grace Gwendaline Hui Ying Januavi Jasmine Chua Jia Ying Joy Michelle Miss Chua Morgan My Anh Ru Yi Scze We Sheryl Sok Loon Sophia Suzanna Wan Ru Wan Xuan Yuan Ting Apple PSB Hui Yun PSB Izza PSB Jasmine PSB Jessie PSB Juliyana PSB Lynn PSB Mayne PSB Pearly PSB Sharon Tan PSB Verni PSB Wan Ling PSB Xiu Ling PSB Yan Ping PSB Yi Ling PSB XiaXue Yutaki James archives
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: suzanna |
Great, I now have to resort to my sister's laptop to actually do this. I already did the pictures for the upcoming post I wanted to post up today but my computer was like 0.0? on me.When I start the computer it will go to this black screen that says a few things and has a few options that says: Safe Mode Safe mode with networking Safe mode with command promt Last known configuration (Last working condition) Start window normally Blablablabla Then, you would have to choose. =( My desktop has that problem too. But I guess it was 'fixed' but my internet cannot be detected. -.- But my laptop, I tried so many options and none worked. -.- Electronics must hate me. I mean, everything I touch spoils!!! My camera, my laptop, my desktop. The only thing that seems to be working is my MP3. So I resort to reading a book the whole day. >.< If anyone knows a solution, please tell me. If I'm not online, sms me or something. Hahahas. Most probably I won't even be online. PHOTOS!
Some of you might want the photos, its hard to get from my normal website.So, I've reduced the picture, not that big, but big enough. LOLS. For the guides photos, direct link. LINK TO DOWNLOAD! Random..
A new blogshop by Terri Tan. (Eugenia Lau's Cousin) Do visit! =) . Anyway, the playlist now, is it nice? I think the songs are the songs that only I listen to. Hahas. People are already getting sick of the songs that keeps coming up in my blog. So now you're going to hear James Morrison with his 'Save Myself'. One of my favourite songs. Listen to the lyrics and you'll know why. =) I shall blog the New Year's Countdown tomorrow, most probably. =) See you! . AND! Anyone interested in Selphy Canon Printer? Selling at $100. Totally brand new, haven't even open package yet. =) Contact me if you are. Tag or directly contact me, please leave email if I do not know you. Hahahas. BYE! . AND>>> I don't know why I have not mention this, because I swear I thought I did. LOLS. The software I'm using for the photos is Photoscape. You have to download the software and you can use it already. =) Very easy to use. Maya introduced it to me, but Jocelyn told me the functions and showed to me some of her end products. =) Thanks! I'm in love with it now. So much easier than using powerpoint. -.-" PHOTOSCAPE WEBSITE To Download: LINK! Gosh, I'm doing free publicity for a lot of people huh. LOLS. See you.. I hope this is the final 'see you'. Hahas. Christmas - Simple Dinner and Overall [Part 7]
I totally forgot about my internet buddies. Hehe.We went for a simple dinner. Went for a totally budget because Esther was budgeted. =) We ate at Lau Pa Sat. Hahas. After which, we walked all over to find a place to sit down and talk, because the laupasat was sooo noisy. -.- With all the construction going on and not to mention, some band singing over there. -.- We walked for ages. And oh! When Es and Ami went off to buy food, Angie let me in on a secret. Woots! I'm soo happy for her. Hahas. Too bad Ami, you're probably the one who will be shocked. Hahas. And Angie loves to tease her anyway. LOLs. Anyway, we ended up in Raffles place in the end. And Angie doesn't like to take pictures, so we ended up with only a few. Hahas. ![]() =) Ok, I have not told me my dilemma with my sister's present, have I? Well, initially she wanted a rocking chair, so we headed down to ikea to get one, in advance. A few days later, Syimah sms-ed me and exclaimed, 'Why did you buy her the rocking chair?! I already bought one for her.' Of course I panicked. So, I deviced a plan telling my sister that I'm going to put it in my friend's house first because I was unhappy that she was rocking the thing everyday before Christmas. -.- So I asked my parents to drive me back there and I gave it back. And they give me back $15 Cash back. =) I bought it for that amount of course. And yes, my sister's best friend did get her the rocking chair.. Tada.. LOLS. But it sits there a lot more now. Hahahas. ![]() Ok, now, let's go over my Santa Clause's list. =) I gave the mini bear bears to some people. Aznita (Sister) - Lavender Sugar + Winnie the Pooh Mug Yuanting - e.l.f. 's full set brush Shu Xian - Accesories from Forever21 Merilyn + Shu Xian - Mask from Ikea Celest - Nail Polish + Strawberry Shortcake Hat Giolinni - Mug that says, 'If I throw you a stick... will you go away' Amelia, Esther, Angeline, MyAnh - Christmas Cards Hahahas. The mosaic part is my PSB Christmas Outing, which have not occured. -.-" Taking place this coming tuesday. LOLS! ![]() Now, for the presents that I received.. Giolinni - A mini bottle with a message inside + Mrs. Puff Keychain Yuanting - Logitech Webcam Aznita (Sister) - FootLotion+FootScrub+Slippers Ellis - Mug Celest - Mug Felicia Tan - $25 Voucher from Kino Syimah - Jelly Beans MyAnh, Amelia, Esther, Wanru - Christmas Cards Thank you for all the lovely gifts. Another one should be coming up. But, we shall see later on. LOLS! Super super post Christmas Outing. -.-" I think that is the end of everything of Christmas Post. My days were pack, I know. Hahahas. And I can breathe for a while now before I start on another post for New Year '09! Hahahas! See you guys! Thanks for being sooo patient. Labels: http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif Christmas - Marina Barrage [Part 6]
Ok, on Christmas itself, we planned to go to Marina Barrage to have a picnic. My suggestion! Hahahas. Because my sister and her friends went there to have one as well the previous time.Oh wells, me, wanru and ellis were supposed to go to wanru's house to do muffins, around 8 plus or so the next morning. But the day before, ellis slept late and I slept at 5am. 0.0 How could we possibly wake up! So we overslept. Ellis overslept not that bad. But I woke up only at 10. Hahahas. So ended up, we didn't make any muffins. Hahas. But wanru was providing the sandwiches and I did the Bee Hoon, my mother cook one. Potato Salad and 4 tuna croissant, made by my sister. I did the potato salad. LOLS. And Gwen cannot make it because she was still sick that day. =( After that, all of us met, I even brought speakers. =) And eugenia lau picked us all up at serangoon. On the way there, ellis grabbed hold of my camera and started taking pictures. And I forgot about the pictures that ellis took in the supermarket. So, yea. here it is. LOLS. ![]() Yupps, in the car, and she managed to take the Singapore Flyer. ![]() Going up to the field area. =) ![]() When we got there, we set up all the mats (thanks to Shu Xian). With all the junk food (thanks to Ellis). I guess all of us played a part, with eugenia as the transport provider? Hahas. JKJK. But, without her, its not easy to go there. The only means of transport there is a shuttle bus from somewhere. I don't exactly remember where. Other than that, you have to drive to get there. ![]() After which, eugenia went to the toilet first. The rest of us stayed there to set up etc. And we started taking pictures. =) ![]() And then, comes Eugenia.. Hahahas. Nice shot huh? I took that. LOLS. ![]() And the place there is also very windy. We were quite lucky that it was cloudy that day. I could not imagine if it was sunny. I'll probably die. Hahahas. Since it was windy, there was a few people with kites. =) ![]() Anyway, we took jump shots. And as you can see, most of them were very Unsucessful. Hahahas. But wanru and her magic hands and TADA! hahahas. ![]() More pictures.. ![]() And more.. Self timer some of them. Of course we did not take pictures all the time. We played around 2 hours of DaiDi. -.- So long. I was not the ultimate asshole. Hahahas. Ellis was, but I had my fair share of winnings. =) ![]() Soon after, we packed, around 5 plus or so. ![]() And we took pictures on the way down.. ![]() And we stopped at the benches to take some more pictures.. ![]() I know, I know, Do we not want to leave? But I swear, we wanted to go already but then we saw this fountain. And we decided to walk underneath it. Hahahas. Shu Xian who was wearing shoes couldn't go it. =( So the rest of us with slippers/sandles went ahead and she took pictures for us. Thanks darling.. ![]() =) ![]() And finally, goodbye Marina Barrage. LOLS. When we were done, we went to Compass point to get Eugenia's food, and I grabbed a burger from Burger King. After which, everyone got some food and we all left for Shu Xian's house. We ate the left over food from the picnic and we actually finished everything. Hahas. Then, we watched Pirates of the Carribean 2, the dead's man chest. And we sooo want to get the third one. But still in the process of getting it. Hahahas. After that we went home at around 11 plus reaching 12 already. hehe. =) See you! Christmas - Countdown [Part 5]
I just went to CCA open house yesterday. And I wanna eat frolick again!!! Celest you got me sooo hooked. =(I'm finally here with the part 5. Hahas. I think there's 2 more parts. >.<
![]() ![]() Yuanting joined us this time round. Before that I was actually from home. But the previous group people, we were actually stucked in ShuXian's house watching Exorcist. So, I forgoed the movie with them. They watched YESMAN that day. And so, I met them only in Celest's house at night. ![]() Yea, the girls kinda haven't seen each other for pretty long. I meet Celest very often because of the Christmas shopping and all. ![]() Yupps, camera woman for the day. Nice shot right? ![]() We were getting ready, looking at the time and all. But soon after, it was Christmas. =) And we took group photos. ![]() Well, after that, we went for supper. Most of us went home but before that, we exchanged presents. =) ![]() I forgot to include Merilyn's presents in. But I gave her the mask that I gave the guides exchange gift. LOLS. Anyway, HuiChing gave us perfume. =) So nice! The scent is nice too. Hehe. I gave Celest the Nail Polish and the Strawberry Shortcake hat. And she gave me the cute Snowman Cup. Hahas. And of course, Yuanting gave me the Webcam. =) Thanks to all darlings.. Well, as I've said, most of us went home. But, the rest who stayed, we stayed until 2. It was only Merilyn, Celest, Sophia and me. Edmund, Paul, Nicholas and Oliver joined us too. But after that, we all went home. =) That's all! =) Grab photos
CCA Open house photos are up. =) will update soon enough. hehe.Link! How Well Do You Know Me? - Test Results
Q1. What is my favourite colour?a. Orange b. Red c. Black d. Blue (D) Yes, I always wear black and I have red spectacles. But that doesn't mean that's my favourite colour. Hahas. I've always liked blue. So, bear that in mind.. Hahas. Q2. What is my favourite flower? a. Tiger Lilies b. Calla Lilies c. Hyacinth d. Roses (B) Well, there are a few types of lilies. Some people might get mixed up with the different types of lilies. The common lilies will probably be Tiger and Water. Most probably. I need not show you the water one. ![]() These are Tiger Lilies. They generally have spots starting from the middle moving upwards to their petals. ![]() These are however, normal lilies. Pretty right? Before I show you my favourite flowers lets go down the list. ![]() These are hyacinth. When you look from far, they look more like shrubs. But up close, they're very pretty with loads of flowers squeeze together. =) ![]() And of course, the oh so common roses. They are such clinches. . . . And my Favourite flower... ![]() Calla Lilies! I found these flowers when I was younger. In primary school probably. They had this mini carnival in my school and I bought a clay version of this flower and fell in love instantly. Well, no one really knows. Hahas. But for boys, if you have no idea what is the girl's favourite flowers, go for roses, generally. Second choice would definitely be the normal lilies. =) Q3. Which Secondary School was I from? a. Bowen b. Xinmin c. Serangoon d. Holy Innocent (A) Well, I think this was pretty obvious. If you do not, I guess its just tough luck. Q4. Who's my favourite author? a. Julie Garwood and Julia Quinn b. Stephanie Laurens and Laura Lee Guhrke c. Daniel Steel and Julia London d. Nora Roberts and Nicholas Sparks (A) Well, for A, they have a standoff. I use to like Julie Garwood a lot. But then, Julia Quinn came along and I simply cannot decide which one I prefer more. But.. they both have their specialty. And Johanna Lindsey is climbing up! =) B, I guess they're more of my OkOk authors. Stephanie Laurens is like soo template. If you do want to read her stories, just stop at 2 stories will do. =) Laura Lee is ok, some of her books are pretty nice though. =) C, I really don't like Danielle Steel, thus explaining the wrong spelling that I just realise. -.- Julia London is ok I guess. LOLS. D, I don't read them at all. -.- Q5. What's my star sign? [Or so I like to claim] a. Taurus b. Aries c. Gemini d. Saggitarius (B) I'm an Aries+Taurus! But, I like to tell people that I am an Aries. My birthday is stuck in the middle of two star signs. =) So now you know.. Q6. Who's my favourite male singer? a. Justin Timberlake b. Timberland c. James Morrison d. Jason Mraz (C) Ok, just so you know, Justin Timberlake and Timberland is soooo out! Now some people might be torn between Jason Mraz and James Morrison. I discovered them almost at the same time. But James Morrison a bit tad earlier. I really prefer James better. I love the element of his voice. You know I'm a junkie for voices. Jason however, nothing special about his voice, but his songs are pretty nice. Just some weird songs in this new album, that was slightly disappointing. I expected better from this album. But oh wells. And James only disappoint me a bit in his 2nd album. But his first one is fantastic. =) Q7. Have I read Harry Potter's books? a. Yes b. No (B) I've said this before, I will not read HP books because I simply love the movie, therefore I do not want to spoil the impression I have of the movie. =) Q8. Which Browser do I use? a. Safari b. Firefox c. Internet Explorer (B) Sorry, I'm a sucker for Firefox. Hahas. I love it too much. LOLS. Q9. How many MSN contacts do I have? a. 200 - 300 b. 301 - 400 c. 401 - 500 b. 501 - 600 (C) This is one of the stupidiest questions I came up with. Hahahas. But couldn't help it. Some people did manage to get it right, which is fantastic. Hahahas. Lucky guess. Q10. What must I do everyday? Besides bath, eat and play computer. Hahahas. a. Read b. Blog c. Condition my hair d. Sing (D) Playing computer is definitely a priority, therefore its up there. But Singing comes next. I sing everyday. Sorry to disappoint you guys, but I cannot live without singing. HAHA. People use to think think I read everyday. I don't. Sometimes I take a break, probably one or two days. Ok, still a break! Other than that, reading would be third in my list. =) Ok, the overall results..
Congratulations to both Celest and Jasmine! Hahas. When Celest got the 80, pretty shocked, but, I cheated and put 90 there. Because she pressed wrongly. Hehe. She got the MSN contacts wrong. Gosh, Celest doesn't even read my blog. Hahahas. But I go out with her all the time. Almost once a week. Gosh, we're late night junkies. Going out for midnight supper or just hanging out. I'm so freaked out everytime her mom called. >.< I tell you why. Celest mom: Where are you now? (Probably at 11 plus or 10 plus) Celest: Oh, I'm on the way home now. Celest mom: Who are you with? Celest: Haniza. Celest mom: Where are you now? Celest: I'm going to be home late. Still waiting for bus. Celest mom: With? Celest: Haniza. After a while.. Celest: I'm going to be home late, going to go Macs with Haniza. Celest mom: You two again ar. I'm so freaked out! I told Celest, 'Don't say my name!!!' when her mom called once but she said it out before she realise what I'm trying to tell her. Hahahas. Gosh, later your mother will think I'm some bad influence. -.-" Hahahas. Jasmine is fantastic. That's why she's like my BFF. Hahahas. Although we hardly see each other anymore. It seems that she still knows about my life and bother to find out about my life. =) Thanks darling. She didn't know my favourite singer and writer. Hahas. Amelia and MyAnh combined forces and did the quiz together. Hahahas. Surprisingly, they passed, or so they say, since they seem to hate this kind of thing. But since I practically talk to them everyday... I guess they would pass, they would definitely know my favourite authors, what I do everyday because they always ask and I say, 'Singing'. Hahahas. My star sign, they're a junkie for horoscopes. Hahas. Maira/Yuanting, oh too bad, you still cheated anyway.. This girl did under Maira first and got 60. I guess she was not happy and did it again under YUANTING and got 100. -.- How is that not cheating??? -.- And who's :) ??? LOLS. Gio - you simply don't pay enough attention to me. Hahahahas. JKJK. At least you didn't cheat, thus I'm still proud of you. Hahas. He said, he wasn't really doing. LOLS. XL - thanks for your effort. Hehe. At least you bothered, so thanks. Hehe. Cressa - TOTALLY awesome. Hahas. I'm surprise you got 70. Like out of the blue can. Hahahas. Thanks! =) Christmas - Steam Boat [Part 4]
Ok, I know I'm taking forever. Hehe. By the way, school has just started. I hop everyone is having fun at school. Well, I'm ok with it. Just jet lag. Hahahas. My body clock is wrong. So hard to wake up etc. And not to mention, broke all the time now. -.-I hope my finances will be back to normal by next week. LOLs. We shall see. Ok, off with the next post. Well, we were still getting ready with the steam boat. So I took pictures of all of us and especially Cressa. Hahahas. Uglam photo. LOLS. Especially the middle one. Some more pictures. =) ![]() We were getting ready for the food to be cooked. =) ![]() =) ![]() Finally. YUM YUM! ![]() WEE! ![]() Ok, I think I look damn funny. I think its ellis who took the shots. Ok, first picture was like, 'Ooo, I like that. Put more in.' Second Picture: *Chew Chew* Not bad.. Third Picture: Oh! Look at that.. -tries to take it before feli takes- MUAHAHAHA! Fourth Picture: OH! Someone's taking a picture! -Smiles- And so, we ate.. =) But the shot..
![]() TA DA! The one on the left is Ellis's one. The one on the right is Gwendaline's one. LOLS! ![]() The whole line there filled with our names, and my mini presents for everyone. =) We had to go there one by one. Arranged by our birthday.. ![]() After which, we all opened our presents. ![]() I gave Shu Xian the accesories and Felicia Tan gave me Kino's Voucher, worth $25! Thanks darling! ![]() This is the whole cycle.. Starting from me (Haniza) > Shu Xian Shu Xian > Wei Qi Wei Qi > Grace Grace > Suzanna Suzanna > WanRu WanRu > Cressa Cressa > SczeWe SczeWe > Felicia Tan Felicia Tan > Haniza OOOO... Who's missing?? ![]() WOOTS ![]() See these two blur ones. Picture 1 > How come we still don't know our ones? Picture 2 > Omg, So its you ar! Picture 3 > Hai Yo! -gwen proceeded to beat ellis- Picture 4 > Take photo The real thing is so god damn funny. They were totally clueless. Not to mention, I went shopping with both of them for each of the presents. -.- ![]() Cam Whoring session! ![]() Pictures.. ![]() And more pictures.. There were a lot more but obviously I cannot post up everything. Hahas. We ended up watching movie after that. We watched Mr. and Mrs. Smith. One of my favourite movies!!! Hahas. It's just so irresistible! Since we watched two movies and slept pretty late the day before, we cannot possible stay up that late anymore. So, we only watched 1 movie that night. =) That's all. Sorry for posting all of this up so slowly. Hahahas. Now that school has started, I guess I'll be a lot more busy. =) See you! |