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This blog was opened by haniza to accomodate my mindless musings and daily rantings.Do enjoy your stay here, and don't take what's not yours! tagboard
Adrina Amelia Celestine Danial Ellis Ervin Esther Eugenia Tan Eugenia Lau Eugin Grace Gwendaline Hui Ying Januavi Jasmine Chua Jia Ying Joy Michelle Miss Chua Morgan My Anh Ru Yi Scze We Sheryl Sok Loon Sophia Suzanna Wan Ru Wan Xuan Yuan Ting Apple PSB Hui Yun PSB Izza PSB Jasmine PSB Jessie PSB Juliyana PSB Lynn PSB Mayne PSB Pearly PSB Sharon Tan PSB Verni PSB Wan Ling PSB Xiu Ling PSB Yan Ping PSB Yi Ling PSB XiaXue Yutaki James archives
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PussyCatDolls - I hate this part right here
I like this song. I think its nice. Haha. Anyway, the song is about the part where the heartbreak starts. In the lyrics its, 'where "the end" starts'. Its like after everything, the heartbreak is the worse. In which, "I hate this part right here." The song is mostly sang by the lead singer. The others only sang the backup singer in the chorus. LOLs. And in the live performance, she looks really strained with the bridge. Enjoy! Please stop my playlist from playing first. =) I wanna Christmas Tree
I went to Britney Spears's website and saw this video.I think its funny. Hahas. =) How could this be???!!!
OK, I'm so mad at myself!I wanted to buy the "Bedding a Heiress" book by Cathy Maxwell. I think some idiot or spirit put stamp on my eyes and instead I bought "In the highlander's bed" by Cathy Maxwell. Like OMG! What the hell!!!!!!! I was sooo shock I want to die. I didn't realise it yesterday. But then, I was sooo convinced this was the right story. Until I started reading it today and I checked back the summary of the other story. I was like what the hell??? SHIT MY ARSE. So angry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why didn't I look and stared at it longer. NVM, I shall just read another book for the time being before I pick up this book. At least its in the same series, if not I'll kill myself. HUMPH> I'm going to read another book first to cool off my anger. Ok, maybe 2. Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream Festival
Behold people!!!
As the title already suggest, there's is going to be a FESTIVAL!!!! All Ben and Jerry's Fans, let's head down there together! I'll tell you my plans later on. Anyway, the details are in this poster. If you guys cannot read... (Chuckles) ![]() 12 Exclusive Flavors From USA Fort Canning Green 2pm - 11pm 6 December 2008 FREE ADMISSION Hahas. But of course you must buy the ice cream yourself. ![]() The map. A bit not clear. Actually, not clear at all. Hahas. Its at Fort Canning Park. ![]() These are the flavors from USA. Woots! ![]() And of course, the Singapore Flavours. Anyway, I was thinking, to my friends, let's go there together!!! Maybe we can go hiking(walking) at Fort Canning and then head down there. I can see the plan forming in my head. I didn't want to tell my sister. Because I wanted her to go with me. But, if I tell her, she would go with her boyfriend. HUMPH! I told her anyway. And she told me, "Ok, I'm going with him." EEEKKK!!! Oh wells. I've got loads of friends to go with. Hahahas. Problem is, who? Hahas. Anyway, this is for your information only. For more information: Please go to their website. ICE CREAM! < Link What are you waiting for?? You can even RSVP this event in facebook. FACEBOOK LINK Credits: http://benjerry.com.sg/ + Facebook [For the photos] P.S.: Thanks Ami for the email sent! =) Like I'm going to die..
Ok, I think those who went to take the marketing paper today, unprepared would agree with me that we're all going to die. Hahas.I mixed up loads of the points and I'm going to pay for it. Ok, the grades will either be A, B, C or fail. I cannot possibly get a D. LOLs. Because of my test and project. I think its the same case with everyone. I can imagine the F!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!! Nvm whats over is over. Now, I'm going to take a break. I rewarded myself with Jasmine milk tea. And my diet has gone hay wire. 0,0 Because I was stress (even though I wasn't studying), its just the stress, the fact that its coming. Then I think I ate more than what I should. =( After exame definitely going to be stricter on myself. But during my slacking days, I wrote my long long dead story. Hahas. Its completing soon and I've got to get started on another story for Christmas. I started watching Buffy the Vampire slayer and Grey's Anatomy. LOLs. And do you know Spike from Buffy? Guess what, he like 46 years old now!!!!!! Damn old. My father's age. (I think) LOLs. If there is a gap some where, probably plus minus one year. Ok I will post up pictures when I went to NYNY with Edwin they all. Another time. I'm going to put up a post about something else first. Hehe. Just wait for it... Ok, you guys will probably read both post at the same time. No biggie. I wanted to blog about Prince William's indecency. TSK TSK TSK. But as My Anh said, he's human when he's got to go, he got to go. For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, please got to Xia Xue's Blog. .Or directly HERE. [DISCLAIMER: NUDE PICTURES INVOLVE] For those who does not wise to see the royal family's jewel, do not go in there. Hahahas. A brief story, Prince William was caught by the Paparazzi when he peed in the outdoors during a polo game. Poor soul. Hahahas. I shall not say whether he's endowed or average because I don't really know how to judge... (no real life experiences. DUH!) LOLs. And he does have a weird way of holding his penis. If you're under 14, (I believe in experiences and exposure) do not go there. Hahahas. My first thoughts were, you're a prince!!! The future King of England (one of my favourite country, not to mention Prince!) But as My Anh said, he's human. So, I shall forgive him. hahahas I even thought of transferring my affections to Prince Harry instead. But I was already contemplating about it when I know Prince William has a girlfriend. (More than 2 years already if I'm not wrong.) SAD for all of us girls. Ok, Haniza, continue dreaming. Anyway, I'm going to start on the next post, which will be short. Hahas. See you! Too Bad
Ok, I am sad once again when I look at the photos they posted up in Facebook.
Thanks for not asking me. Thanks a lot. I could not even see the people I nurture take over my previous post. Thanks. I know I'm bitter now. But who cares. (this is not a question but a statement) Being there - Friends/Friendship
Ok, this is probably a random post but I was kinda worried about my friend. Well, I only knew her through online and we talk (like call conversations) over the msn. I'm definitely not someone that she confides in with her innermost feelings. But, she's definitely someone I care about. It's good to know that I still have a knack to sense that something is wrong with someone. Well, I didn't probe but you know, sometimes you know there's something wrong with your friend. But, if that person doesn't talk to you about it. You know not to pry. Sometimes, its just being around your friends that matter. Let them know that we'll be there when you need them. But sometimes its unnecessary to ask about what happen. If the person doesn't want to talk about it, then you shouldn't ask, isn't it? Or rather, maybe the person doesn't want to talk to you about it. Touche. But, sometimes I get frustrated. Do we need to demand for attention? Do we? What if we don't have anyone to talk about it to? What do we do? What if we're too prideful to talk to anyone at all? What if the one person that you want to be there for you, is not there when you need them? What will happen? Do you feel that the person is not your friend anymore? Because she/he was not that for you at that moment? Because in a way its a betrayal of trust. Don't you think so? You trust someone to be your friend, to be your confidant in times of darkness. Under what circumstances will you bring yourself to forgive your friend? Or rather, your so call friend, since she/he was not there for you anymore. -Scoff- On the other hand, maybe your friend thought differently. Maybe your friend thought that you could handle it, maybe your friend thinks that you're strong, capable and mature enough to think about what to do. The trust she/he puts in your hands may cause their friendship? Is that what this is about? Honestly, what is friendship? What are friends? I'm not confuse if that's what you're thinking. I'm not. Because I feel as if I've done my job as a friend. I try my best to be there for my friends. Keyword here is try. I cannot promise you that I'll be there every step of the way in your life. Because I'm giving you the trust and responsibility of guiding yourself through the path that you might be scared to take on. But you need to know that sometimes we friends, do some pushing in your life. We push you to take on things you might not want to do. We, friends say things that you might not want to listen. We, friends might joke about things but you need to know that we don't mean it. But, if we're friends, you'll tell me what you're unhappy about instead of brooding at one side. If I need to slap you to wake you up, I will. But only if I know it will work. If its hopeless, I won't do it because it will in turn jeopardize our friendship. If you're delusional about something, I will make sure you snap out of it. Again, only if it works. If you don't want to listen to the words I don't want to hear, guess what, you'll hear it anyway. If I think you deserve it. But have you ever stop to think that, thinking and saying all these things, will you actually do it? I'm starting to think, maybe I'm getting tired of all these. Tired of being there for my friends. Have you ever felt sick and tired of waiting upon your friends all the time? We are like the emotional maids. Instead of cleaning up after your dinner or washing your clothes, you clean up your friend's tears, the mess of what ever they've done or being there to shelter them from the impact of the fall by being below them. So, I ask you again, have you felt sick and tired of it? -scoff- sometimes I feel sick of it. Honestly, I do. But, sometimes its the call of duty. An obligation instead of a desire. After a while, it gets sickening. And if you're not the troublesome type, the type who doesn't confide in others, don't you feel that you're the only one giving into the friendship? You're the one helping? And your friends are the one that gives you the issues that you have to listen or solve for them? But, I think at the end of the day, if you're best friends, if you're really really best friends, you'll know when to give your friends breathing space, when to invade that space of theirs and know their innermost fears and anything else. I know, now we sound like angels that can read people's mind. Hahas. We human are a of a complex nature. I didn't say a friendship was easy. Nobody said it was. It works both ways. The giving and the taking. I might take some time off the friendship to blog about it, (like now), but that doesn't mean I'll stop being your friends just because you feel a slight pang that I'm talking about you. I'll still be there. But, I choose whom I confide in. If you confide in me, that doesn't mean I'll confide in you. However, I'll know that when I need you the most, I'll go to you. Some problems need to be confided in different group of people because: 1. You either want to hear this set of loving encouraging words. 2. Or you want to hear the harsh truth of it (which is not the case most of the time) 3. Or you want to bitch about your problem. 4. Or you want true practical advises. Either way, do not be insulted if I don't tell you my problems. If it makes you feel better, I hardly tell anyone any of my problems. But there are some people where I just don't tell anything at all, and you still talk to me about your problems. Sometimes, you'll feel quite different reaction to all the problems you listen to: 1. You're irritated at that person. (because you feel that its silly, stupid, impractical and immature) 2. You're irritated (because you don't even want to listen in the first place) so wait, why are you my friend again? 3. You feel honoured (because the person confides in you shows the the trust and maturity of the friendship) 4. Or you're just neutral in your stand, just listening and filling your time. Conclusion, what ever you do, or decides to do with your friendship (which is none of my business) I don't care. Just know that if you're very good friends with your friends. Keyword here is good. And good meaning it works both ways, giving and sharing; you do not demand things from them. You may expect or hope for things, but never demand. ![]() A glimpse of life. p.s.: this is not about what happen that I was depressed about. As I've said, I don't tell much people about my problems, so what makes you think I'll say it here? Depressed and angry are two different things. p.p.s.: thanks yuanting, jasmine and ellis for your concern. (a bit un-needed though) I'll always pick myself up. But its nice to know that you were there. =) Credits: DevianArt [photo] Funny thing..
Ok, I have caught a flu and my nose is blocked. =( But its ok..By the way, I want to share with you guys this thing that I found out from Celest. Hahas. Remember the Sophia's post? When she went to adidas to take a picture? The one I said she was spelling her name? GUESS WHAT? It's not sophia. -.-
Its actually... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() A . . . D . . . I . . . D . . . A . . . S (Adidas) OK, please tell me my interpretation of it makes sooo much sense. hahahas. I thought it was damn hilarious. Hahas. So shocked when Celest told me. Naturally I would tell her my side of the story and yes, she agrees with me that it does look like her name. Hahas. Ok! =) See you! Wan Xuan's Birthday
Ok! I'm happy again. Hahahas. People made my day again, thanks peeps!Anyway, I went for Wanxuan's birthday celebration and forgo the dinner with lau and the rest of the girls. =( Sad, but its ok.. I've not seen lau for ages already. LOLs. Okok, back to the topic, I took pictures, obviously. You can count on me to take pictures. (Learnt my lesson in Scze We's birthday. Hahas.) But we didn't get to take a group photo. LOLs. And wanxuan and yenling went off early. Ok, loads of things happened in pizza hut. TOTAL DRAMA. Hahahas. Let's see, all of us reached late. Only wanxuan was early. Really early. I arrived around 6. 45. Late for 15 minutes. Edwin and Joshia was worse. Hahas. Hui Ching and Yenling bought the cake and went to pizza hut to ask them to keep for us first. Anyway, we ordered our food. All of us ordered the Heart Meal except for yenling.. She ordered Temptations something. LOLs. Its desert. Anyway, our food came. Indulge! Soup of the day, Mushroom soup. Then, all the food arrive as well. We ate various pizzas and the curry zazzle was Edwin's. Yenling didn't eat anything much. She only ordered dessert. So she wanted the dessert to be served while we were eating our main course. So she told them to bring the ice cream over. (maybe they mistook it for our desserts) Then, this malay girl, she brought in the ice cream all 5 of it. And none of yenling's one. So naturally HuiChing told her 'Can we have this later?' Then, the girl Reaction: 1. TSK us. 2. Roll eyes. 3. Grab the ice cream back. (She has only placed one on the table) 4. When she turned, she muttered under her breathe, 'Bodoh Sia.' [Translation: Stupid Sia] Naturally, Yenling was pissed off. Maybe a tad more than pissed. So they came back with the girl that we told to get our ice cream. She asked us didn't we want the ice cream just now? We said we want the temptations ice cream dessert, not the dessert that came with the 'Hearty Meal'. So they went off. Yenling was still not happy. They brought the dessert though. ![]() ![]() Then, she was saying that she wants to complain to the manager. She is a tourism student, so she knows the service industry and how its suppose to be. So they called the manager and she told the manager about the person's attitude. Well, we were expecting more than a mere apology. But, too bad we didn't get more than that. Well, the rest of us is not too affected by it. So, it was ok to us. But, yenling was not happy. The girl who served us the ice cream stared at us every single time she walks pass our table. Thank god, I'm blocked by the counter. So I didn't receive the girl's stare. So there goes the day. But, we did have cake for Wanxuan. =) |