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This blog was opened by haniza to accomodate my mindless musings and daily rantings.Do enjoy your stay here, and don't take what's not yours! tagboard
Adrina Amelia Celestine Danial Ellis Ervin Esther Eugenia Tan Eugenia Lau Eugin Grace Gwendaline Hui Ying Januavi Jasmine Chua Jia Ying Joy Michelle Miss Chua Morgan My Anh Ru Yi Scze We Sheryl Sok Loon Sophia Suzanna Wan Ru Wan Xuan Yuan Ting Apple PSB Hui Yun PSB Izza PSB Jasmine PSB Jessie PSB Juliyana PSB Lynn PSB Mayne PSB Pearly PSB Sharon Tan PSB Verni PSB Wan Ling PSB Xiu Ling PSB Yan Ping PSB Yi Ling PSB XiaXue Yutaki James archives
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: suzanna |
i'll probably add some malay in.I came back from kbox today. very suang. sang for like 6 hours? ^^ Took my stress and frustration away. Well, its more of frustration, really. Forget about talking in malay. I gave up half way trying to write in it even. Ok, I shall just say it out front. I'm not happy with Minying. I'm not happy. I mean, I swear it to you, she probably has ADHD or slight down syndrome. She's definitely down with something. With the constant chatter, her non-stop figitness and not to mention! the fact that she doesn't control her emotions very well. Do you guys realise something. When she's stress or rather, sound the part, she actually smiles? Like who the hell smiles when you're unhappy with something? I know I'm being like a total bitch here but hey! its better that I do it here than say it to her face where she might break down or something. I'm so scared of breaking some fragile shell of hers. I try to be nice to her and she comes leeching off me. The fact that I'm kind doesn't mean that you can advantage of me. I told you once already so back off. DO NOT MAKE ME REPEAT THE FUCKING SAME THING. Yes, you can see how frustrated I am. I'm not angry at her, just irritated and wells god help me if I don't suddenly start shouting at her. If she has some deficiency, it will be bad because she will start maybe a nervous breakdown? . I went off to peel prawns. Like 2kg of it. My fingers are wrinkled. =( Ok, another group of people, in general. I've never respected people who copy. Copy in a sense of tests. Wells especially tests and exam. I totally ABHOR people who does that. I think those kind of people are very low. Not only that, its also very unfair to those who have studied and put in a great amount of effort into their studies or work. Imagine getting the same marks as someone who studied and someone who didn't. How would the person who studied feel? Have you ever thought of that? Have you put yourself in their shoes and how they will react if they ever find out? I use to be quite silly last time. I use to have a very strong principle about honesty. I don't like to copy work from other people. Because I feel that its their effort and it gives me no right to copy or rather plagiarise from them. Some people do that a lot. Thats why I get punished in school all the time. Because I don't copy work from others. Because I'm a lazy ass and I don't wish to copy from others. So I just admit my mistakes and face the music. You will never find people as honest as this anymore, trust me. Even that part of me has vanished, partly because the teachers don't check work anymore. -shrugs- Oh wells, back to the topic. Honesty is a must in every aspect of life but I feel that some people are desperate and incompetent enough to just copy or cheat. I'm not pinning this on anyone but hey, if you feel the pain. That must say a lot, isn't it? If anyone reacts to this negatively, I would just scoff. Because it says a lot about your character. Cousins, Nephews and nieces
Ok, The blog post that I was suppose to write a long time ago is finally here. LOLs.Ok first up! My newphews. They are my Grandfather's 1st wife's grandchilren's children. Hahahas. So its like my cousin's children, therefore, I'm the auntie. Some of you do not really consider it as such, but malays do that a lot. But these are my first few nephews. I did have nieces first but they don't hang out with me often enough. Or rather, not close to them at all. These monsters came to my house. They started playing the computer first. My desktop, then they went on to switch on my laptop because there's two of them. You know lar, children, they tend to fight. They came around 10 pm. The first one on top is the older brother. The other three is the younger one. Looks cute huh? Not when they started terrorizing my room!!! They still look so innocent... . . . And so my room ended up like this... Now this is a complicated relation. Hahahas. My father and my mother is somehow related. But no blood relation because my mother was kinda taken in by the family. But nonetheless. My mother's grandmother is my father father's sister. So if you want to really calculate, my dad is kinda my mother's uncle. Hahahahas. But my mother has no blood relation with the family, so its ok. Anyways, this girl is my niece beside my father and my cousin beside my mother. Cute huh? But she's sooo spoilt. -speechless- . This boy has no complicated relation or what so ever. Hahahas. LOLs. He's my cousin. This is also my cousinss... They're brothers and sisters. Very very chinese right? They're actually 3/4 chinese. hahahas. Be prepared... This is me. In both photos. If you look properly, I actually look like the girl. The younger one before this. Muahahahas. You guys probably cannot see it, but the real photo was really alike. One of the time, she saw my photo and even dared to say that it was her! hahas. I am 27% plastic
[ ] you own a straightner[x] you own foundation [ ] you have three different color eyeliners [x] you have mascara [x] you have eye shadows [x] you have a nail file [ ] your room has pink [ ] people call you blonde [ ] you have/had dyed blonde hair [ ] you have blue eyes [ ] you wear eye shadow [ ] you own hollister and abercrombie shirts [ ] you own more than 10 pairs of shoes [ ] you have at least one pink pillow [ ] your friends call you dumb [ ] people call you a blondie [ ] you straighten your hair every day [ ] you dye your hair [ ] you have high-lights [ ] you have nail polish on at the moment [ ] you have your own bathroom [ ] you look in the mirror at least 5 times a day [ ] you wear a lot of pink! [ ] you have a playboy bunny item in your house [ ] you have pink lights in your room [x] you have pink lip gloss and wear it [ ] you have pink photo frames/frame [x] you have a mobile phone [x] you have a computer in your room [x] you have more than one tv in your house [ ] you have an ipod [ ] you used a calculator to add up this quiz total : 9 8 x 3= 27% TIMES YOUR ANSWER BY 3 REPOST AS 'I AM __% PLASTIC happy birthday
Wish you all the best! '08 Invitation
Ok, I've got sooo many friends. Or rather, circle of it.I've finally thought of who to invite. If you're not inside, please don't ask me ar because I just realise how awkward. Unless you're sure I really forgot you in the list... hahahas. Green: Confirm Coming; Red: Not coming; Black: Pending PSB Date:11 October 2008 Time: 15:00 - 17:00 Yanping (with Li Fei) Huiyun (any other days you free?) XiuLing (with her Boyfriend) XiuHui Rebecca PeiLing Lynn HuiNi Pearly Yiling Juliyana Diyanah Izza Wanling (with her friend) canceled last minute PeiShi LiHui Did I miss out anyone? Current Quota: 7 People Special Date:11 October 2008 Time: 17:00 - 19:00 [might change date] Amelia Angeline [since angie cannot make it. ='( ] Esther Jasmine I soooo want MYANH to be here. =( Bowen (1st clique) Date:11 October 2008 Time: 17:00 - 21:00 Ellis Wanru ShuXian Gwendaline Eugenia Lau (depends) Eugenia Tan SczeWe Felicia Tan Cressa Suzanna WeiQi Grace WanXuan Current Quota: 11 People Some people seem to be missing... Bowen Class (2nd Clique) Date: Not decided yet Celest Yuanting Merilyn HuiChing Giolinni Sophia Yenling Edwin Stanley Joshia Looks missing too... Hmmm... For some of you who have come before. Its not considered... You have to wait for a specific date in which I've not decided. LOLs. DETAILS Address: Blk 677, Hougang Ave 8; [If you're invited, you'll get my unit number] Hahahahas. Food: Most probably Nasi Beryani (Is that how you spell it?) Hint: Do not linger. Hahahas Another Hint: My house is very small. 3 room flat; so please do not crowd. ^^ Last Hint: Do not expect money. Hahas. (Seriously do not know whether you will get) Sorry for allocating time and all. But as I've repeated countless times, my house is very small and I cannot entertain so many people at the same time. And you guys are not the only people that's invited. My mother's friends are coming, and so are my sister's friends. one more reminder: DO NOT CLIMB ON MY BED. I've had enough people on my bed. I do need a bed to lie on at night ok. Thank you. =) ...
All of you arh, shameless, want to come my house hari raya. -.-wait lar, only 1 week right.. there's like 1 month of it, it won't run away, trust me. Ok, I'm putting time slots for everyone. I just realise i want to invite quite a few groups of people. Sorry if you're not invited; there's always a reason to what I do. When I do not invite, please ask someone that I invited. Hahahahas. Maybe I forgot you in the list? hmmm... Or, worse, don't even want to invite. I'm so evil. -laughing evilly in my mind- and I shall not lie to you, (some people do); my house is very small. My room is tiny, and I live in a 3 room flat. WOOTS. Not a lot of people live in a 3 room flat ok.. Or rather, not my circle of friends. Ok, so wait for the invitation. Most probably it will be next Saturday. (with my mother's old collegues. -.-) okok, keep waiting.. And oh yea, if I'm not close to you or you didn't come when I invited you other years, don't bother thinking of getting an invitation. (I'm a petty girl) Room Revamped!
Ok, the long awaited post is finally here. To those who do not wish to look at this post, means you want to see it yourself when you come to my house, not decided when yet. LOLs.So to those who do not want to read, just skip the this whole post. (Am delayed a bit because of my nephews, but I shall talk about it later.) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Ok, this was my terribly messy room, please give me an award for it. Hahahahas. I swear it to you, We'll win the most messiest room in Singapore. Hahahahas. Ok, that was my sister's boyfriend helping to take the drawers out so that we can carry it out. You can see the before it was taken out and after. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Of course in the midst of all these, the top picture are my abandoned 5566 cds. Hahas. (don't listen to them anymore), but I didn't throw them away. However, I threw my 5566 magazines and my Jay chou's one as well!!!!!!!! -sniffs- So sad, can you see, I even collected news paper articles!! and a whole file of magazines!!! Boo hoo!!! But nonetheless, its for my new room, there will be lesser places to stuff these things now. ![]() And of course, my beloved books are packed nicely inside this box. By the way, the box was not enough. Hahahahas. -my father suggested to throw the books- like what the hell? o.o? I spent 700 on all these can!!! And so everything go out, and packed nicely. There were so many stuff we threw, like a continuous days and days of throwing stuff. (some of neighbours capok[take] after we threw them). lols. We even called the Bangalas twice to help us throw the stuff. LOLs. We paid them of course; my sister even made drinks for them. =) ![]() ![]() I really like this. Hahas. But, we didn't get it of course. But good idea huh? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() These are some of the tables we looked at. I really like the white tables. Hahahas. Guess which one I bought??? Not any of the two white tables you see. So obvious already. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Some more tables, one of them is the one my sister got! Woots, I should play a game you with guys. Hahahahas, those who guess correctly will get an invitation to my house!!! Hahahas. So funny. ( I'm just kidding ) ![]() ![]() Ok, after the much elaborated trips to ikea. ( we went twice ) ![]() ![]() To those who actually know my bed, you are pretty shocked right? Hahahas. The two beds were dismantled and put on the floor. (we slept like that for one night) My sister was sick that day, so instead, I sleep on the inside, so that she can wake up easily and vomit. LOLs. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The day of the painting. One of the worse time. We started painting pretty early. The ceiling is not very easy to do, so I ended up doing all the edges and the ceiling; My sister's an ass. I was already dead tired by the time and she dared to go to the toilet and said, "my period come already". In case you guys haven't noticed, this was actually during the fasting month, so if you're having periods, you're not suppose to fast. And yes, after I did all the hard work of the ceiling, she tells me this. And she even drank half a bottle of drink. -starts to strangle her in my mind- Lols. I ended up bullying her and tell her to finish the rest and she happily oblign. Muahahahas. But we had to paint it again the second day. Hahahas. My dad said it needed a second coating. -faints- ![]() ![]() These two pictures were the day when the stuff already arrive. =) The allen keys and screws. My bed is the worse of the lot! See my sister, she's looking at the instruction. In the end, my bed had some problems; (one of the holes were faulty, so we had to wait for my daddy to come home) So we went to my sister's bed. ![]() My sister's bed, I know you cannot see it that well because the chair is inside the bed. hahahas. ![]() My bed!!! ![]() My sister and my bed. =) ![]() ![]() This is my sister's table. =) ![]() And my table. =) And so, to bring all these together. Presenting to you my new room.... . . . . . ![]() TADA!!! Honestly to me, it doesn't look very different. I'm serious. Because I sleep upstairs still and no diff, but my bed is really high. Let me bring you for a tour.. =) ![]() My computer/study table. ![]() My speakers on my computer/study table. Hahas. With my lion with a new home! I changed it later though, you can see it. ![]() Below my table. Hahahas. Actually can put printer, but very uncomfortable to me so put shelfs. The one from my previous table. ![]() Of course my darlings have a new home. My cds are all in a drawer, sad to say. Well, I had to choose, books or cds? I chose books. Hahahhaas. ![]() Tada!!! My new bookshelf! ![]() The new 'hang out' corner. I see a potential messy place. Hahahahas. ![]() ![]() My daddy made the shelfs. =) For my sister. Looks pretty good huh? ![]() Sorry for not waiting Gio, but my daddy was there. So he can pay for me. Hahahas. To those who have no idea what this is, this is a place to put your laptop on. Lets say you're sitting on the couch, you can put this on your lap (below has cushions) and your lappy on top. GOOD RIGHT!!! A bit ex though. ![]() ![]() I really like these. Not from ikea. These are stools with storage in them. COol huh?? Cost only 10bucks. sometimes you'll see it more expensive, so beware. I bought it at AMK. Those shops outside. A chapalang shop. Hahahahas. ![]() A long mirror. Woo hoo!!! ![]() ![]() Bedsheets = ikea. Hahahas. My sister's and mine respectively. My red colour below one is not from ikea. I already had a red one, so decided not to buy. ![]() Ok. Thats all. Let me know what you think. =) Can you see my new book!!!!!! So happy!!!!! -jumps off- |