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This blog was opened by haniza to accomodate my mindless musings and daily rantings.Do enjoy your stay here, and don't take what's not yours! tagboard
Adrina Amelia Celestine Danial Ellis Ervin Esther Eugenia Tan Eugenia Lau Eugin Grace Gwendaline Hui Ying Januavi Jasmine Chua Jia Ying Joy Michelle Miss Chua Morgan My Anh Ru Yi Scze We Sheryl Sok Loon Sophia Suzanna Wan Ru Wan Xuan Yuan Ting Apple PSB Hui Yun PSB Izza PSB Jasmine PSB Jessie PSB Juliyana PSB Lynn PSB Mayne PSB Pearly PSB Sharon Tan PSB Verni PSB Wan Ling PSB Xiu Ling PSB Yan Ping PSB Yi Ling PSB XiaXue Yutaki James archives
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Ook, I'm sorry I've been neglecting my friends, ever since I've been fasting; I just don't feel like going out. Worse still, most of them have promos. But now, you guys ask me out when I'm fasting. Oh wells.ONLY ONE MORE DAY LEFT!!! hehe. one day to fast. I'm going to make ketupat today. 40 pieces. LOLs. Pineapple Tarts
I hope you guys are not tempted when you see the pictures. =)This is the filling. The pineapples. I stirred the thing. Hehe. My mother making the dough. =) My mother is in charge of the shapes of the tarts. =) The base. While I'm in charged of the Filling!!! Ok, the picture with me in it was at the end. hahahas. Because at the beginning, I didn't really take any much. Of people I mean. hahahas. Our first completed tray! =) Haven't put in the oven yet. hehe. Two batch worth of tarts!!! Means we baked two tray then I took picture again. hehe. After the tarts cooled down, I have to place them into the tupperware. =) You see the brown paper at the bottom. (collects the oil), I cut them!!! LOLs. We started at around 8pm. I think by this time, it was already 9pm or so. You can see my mother's face. She's already so tired. By the time I take all these pictures, it was already like 12pm. Hahahs. My sister just came back at that time. I'm the good girl, helping my mother. Muahahahas. =p See the second picture at the top? I tried taking a picture with the scene behind. But, didn't manage to. My second attempt!!! Cool huh? I think I cut myself and paste it on the picture. Hahahas. I took it myself. I feel so good. LOLs. As you can see, I started taking a lot more picture after 12, because too tired already. So all of us start to 'high'. Hahas. Yea, after my mother finish doing all the shapes of the dough, she went to bath. By the time, it was already 1.30am. =( My sister helped me put the filling; And I started taking her picture. hahas. By the way, we were faster than my oven, so we had to start putting the tarts on the plate. Hahas. =) There's two trays. One tray at a time. I controlled the timing too. =) After all the hard work, we finished everything approximately at 2:20am. =( I slept the latest because I had to wait for the cookies in the oven and to transfer it to the tupperwares. Ok, approximately how much did we make? Hahas. Around 150 or so. Ok! I'm going off now! Thanks for reading. James Morrison - You make it real
Remember this guy? James Morrison? Hehe. His new hit is out! Its out for one or two weeks already but I've been busy, so I don't have the time to blog. Hehe.Take a listen to the song. My playlist doesn't have it, because fleshfetish doesn't have it. -.- In this video, he's more clean cut. Hahahas. Anyways, its a very nice song! Woots! Trust me when I say it is. hahas. Changed stuff
I'm very lazy to change my whole blogskin. I shall just stick to this a while more.Some people complained to me that the * sign is too small, I'm talking about the link. Hahahas. So I edited that thing such that you just need to click on the name and you can go straight to the page already. =) And I've updated the links, cancel those unavailable ones. Hahas.. Hmmm, you know I mentioned about the other shoe that I wanted to get initially. There's like small silk flower in front. Ellis saw it today. =) Well, about the no size thing. I went to ps today, then, I saw the same shop there!!! And I saw the shoe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so happy. Hahahas. Weee.. then, we went to eat dinner at pizza hut; I went back to the shop to buy the shoe. (even though I already bought one, when it comes to clothes or shoes, its never enough for women) I straight away asked whether they have shoe size 37 for this. (I'm not a 37, but the cutting for this shoe was bigger) The person said that she thinks there no more size. And I'm so happy for nothing! IDIOT. She checked for me, and yes, confirm, no more size, both the colours that were on display. I'm so frustrated. I was so tempted to ask the person whether they have any other branches. -.- But of course I didn't ask. Hais.. Not fated at all! argh!!! Why does everyone buys the shoe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And must they have the same size as I do!!! ARGH!!! Ok, enough ranting; this happens to people all the time. But I really like the shoe. Even Ellis said its nice, and our taste always collide. Hahahas. =) Oh wells. -sighs- I didn't buy anything today, only ellis did. Hahas. See you ard! New Shoes
I needed to get a new shoe. And yes, I've finally gotten the new heels. =)My room is still not done yet. But its pretty cool to sleep downstairs. My bed is brought down from the upper deck down to the floor. So now there's like two single bed on the floor. Damn cramp >< No space to move what so ever. We're fixing up the bed today. My sister is still sprawled on the bed; On my bed. She switched with mine because mine was closer to the door. She was sick with headache and vomiting yesterday. So needed a better access to the toilet. Oh yes, my heels. How does it look like? Peep toe shoes, a stiletto heel! Woo hoo, finally gotten one. LOLs. Shall put up the picture now.. ![]() ![]() ![]() Its a peep toe. =) I followed My Anh's suggestion to get a peep toe. Initially, I wanted to get a platform with a peep toe, it didn't turn out that fantastic. The nicer ones are from Charles and Keith. But didn't see properly. There's another type though. Those high heels that has very good support, with a buckle across your ankle (fantastic support, highly recommended). But, I didn't see something I really liked. ![]() Hahahahas. I've always wanted to get a stiletto, 3 inch. Indeed, this is only worn when there's a transport, mainly cars. And no long distance walk for me. Muahahahas. And I don't know, but Jasmine told me open toes are very bad for your feet, bad blood circulation. -shrugs- shall go research on that. ttyl! I wanna go!!!!!!!!!!
![]() Russell Peters is coming to Singapore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHIT!!! I wanna go!!!! Tickets are 119 and 79. I wanted to go and check out things. But, Sistic has problems with their website. Did I tell you I hate sistic, this is not the first time! It has always been like that. When Jay Chou concert was also like that. I totally hate it. ARGH. I found out when I was in facebook. Man, I wanna 'Be a man, and Do the right thing!' awww... Sleepy..
Short post. As you can see, my internet is still ok!! Hahahas. I took out my desktop though. Disconnected everything. I actually disconnected my internet wireless stuff too. But i put it back hahahas.Simply cannot live without internet. Yes, so now I'm using the laptop. I went to the doctor today. Got medicine. And I'm really sleepy now. Because of the medicine. So going to bed to sleep now. =) See ya!!! hmmm
Ok, there's a lot of things that I want to put up. But I'm in a rush for time.I just got back from an outing with my friends today. =) Lets see, I met up with Celest, Mel, Edwin, Stanley, Yuanting first to shop around at Bugis. Our supposedly time to meet was 12.30. But all of them came late and I had to hang around at Bugis for hmmm, nearly 45 minutes? Not too sure. Thanks yanping for accompanying me. hehe. Then, me and Celest went to shop while the rest eat. So sweet right? Celest I mean. Hahahas. So we went to Body Shop and spend. -.- Both of us got products worth 140 bucks. Indeed, Celest is a dangerous person to go to Body Shop with. Hahahas. Actually around 30 dollars is worth of free gift. Hehe. And the rest got cut down by discount and we spent 90 dollars together. =) I spent 50 after discount. Hahahhaas. I bought foundation. =) Very nice. Its their new product. Celest got it too. (I got 'persuaded' by her) Hahahas. Then, I got body scrub, which I already wanted. I got new things to add to my wish list! Woo hoo!!! Ok, I'll update that another day. The main objective of the outing is actually for me to buy shoes. -.- I really like some of it that I saw in Charles and Keith. But Angie said their heels doesn't last very long. =( But the season's shoes are really attractive!!! I didn't see the price though. Probably cost a bomb. Hahahas. In the end, I didn't buy any shoes. hahahas. Then, we went and watch movie without the guys. 4bia. Hahahas. Pretty funny at certain parts. Out of the 4 stories which is the scariest? I would say the last one. Although most of the effects were spoilt throughout the movie with computer effects that are totally incompetently fake. < Don't even know whether this is a right phrase. But I think you get my meaning. Quite ok overall. =) Screamed at certain part. wahahahhaa. Then we went to Minds cafe today play game. LADIES NIGHT. So, we do not need to pay anything unless we bought anything. Came with complementary finger food. Sorry edwin and stanley that you guys had to pay. I broke fast there. Played loads of game, got to know Wei Fang and Esther. =) Very nice people! Hehe.. I laughed so much, (with my sick condition). Yes, I'm down with sore throat initially in which I predicted will go down to a lot more things. And yes it did. Yesterday, I had flu, cough and fever. My fever is pretty on off. It was ok in the morning. Then I had classes in the morning and spent the whole day outside, so I guess I got back the fever. OOO. Forgot to mention that I'm revamping my room! I'll post the before after effect. It will take pretty long. I have to take out all my internet thingin' on top of my shelf. So I probably cannot use any internet and no desktop for me until next week. Next week when? I'm not too sure. I shall try to leave the internet alone. Hehehe. So that I can still use the laptop. Gosh, I'm like blabbering. But I've got so many things to say!!! Oh yes, people who are interested to help, please tell me. Hahahhaas. I think I'm painting my room this Saturday. Hahahas. Friday we'll be buying the paint. Hehe. -Blow nose- Hahas. Ok, I really want to say that I'm really very happy that I did the cookies thing for the people who are having their promos now. Their expression was well, priceless, it was really worth all trouble we went. I hate to say this but, thanks ellis for that wonderful suggestion. =) We baked cookies for those having exams and we sent it to them individually. They were really very happy, and that made me happy. Another objective was to motivate them, which was really good. =) I hope it works though. The cookie's nice. Hahahas. I shall post up the process another time. Meanwhile for those who wants to see the pictures. Please go to my photobucket account. LINK!!! And I think the 'Visiting Cookies' name for the album really suits the whole thing. I have this image of cookies with legs walking to their individual houses. Ok, I'm like typing nonstop. Except for the blowing nose part. Hahahas. I'm pretty 'high' now. I'm actually waiting for my medicine to kick in and let me sleep. Another long day ahead of me tomiorrow. I'm going to continue cleaning my room. Its really a great task since I'm sick and not to mention, fasting as well. =) Ok ok, I should go to bed now. If you guys don't see me online, just sms me yar? Nights peeps! And good luck to those taking promos!! Mcdonald's Curry Sauce
Have you guys heard of the huge issue of Mcdonald's Curry Sauce that has maggots. I just ate that like a few days ago last week.Anyway, someone bought at cheeseburger and nuggets from mac, Compasspoint. Going home that's 2 minutes ride away, he opened the packet of curry sauce and found maggots crawling in it. EEWWW.. Article At STOMP! But I got hold of the news from my email first. By the way, in the articcle, the mcdonald's authority said this, "In this spirit, we advise against irresponsible speculation, postings and circulation of emails and blog postings on this matter."I was a bit thrown off when I saw this. I was like, What the hell? This is Singapore after all. People complain all the time and when they're unhappy with something, they put it up anywhere and everywhere. I seriously do not know whether I'll go and eat at Macs. Do not know means I'm hesitant, but I would be careful to see what is there when I eat. I think this is partially a customer's responsibility. Some people would say 'EWW, I would NEVER go back there'. Well, I wouldn't go to that end. We cannot deny that Macs food are addictive. You'll go back some day.. But looking at the pictures, I think it is indeed caused by exposed packaging. WARNING: DO NOT SEE IF YOU DON'T WANT TO FEEL GROSSED OUT! hahas. Its not that bad. like DUH! Songs
There were a few songs I wanted inside my playlist, but I cannot find it under flashfetish. LOLs. Too bad then. But the songs you guys should check out is:Shontelle - T shirt Let's see, I really like this song. The melody. Hahas. Its definitely a heartbreak song. =) Ida Maria - I like you so much better when you're naked Ok, the starting sounds weird and so not me. Hahas. But the chorus is very catchy after that Its' the kind of song where I'll bang my head to with a fake mic when no one's looking. Hahahas. Melee - Imitation It's nicer when the bass comes in. The bass or base? Hmmm, The guitar that is. The chorus is nicer. Anyways, the guitar reminds me a lot of santana. The tune. Part of the lyrics 'cause its you in my arms tonight, I don't need an imitation'. sweet huh? Natasha Bedingfield - Angel So many singers has the same title for their song. -.- Anyways, my first impression of this song was, hmmm, everyone's copying each other while composing!!! YOu know, the popular spelling. A.n.g.e.l. angel. Get it? I only remembered the first spelling of song was quite sucessful and popular started out with fergie. Or was it black eyed peas. Anyways, they started it with the 'fergielicious' and 'delicious'. Something like that. Then, a few other singers started spelling again. -.- I forgot the others. But it seems that the producers of natasha has gotten on to the cold. -.- Saving Jane - Supergirl Its a bit dancey. Hahas. -singing- 'i'm supergirl!I'm everywhere, I'm flashing lights, they stop and stare'. Hahahas. This song brings the image of a girl just step on top of a bar and starts singing. hahahas. Very fun song. =) Hehe. Quite interesting titles huh? Check it out. .
I haven't update the blog for a few days I think. I've been busy watching card captor sakura. AH!!! I can come out with the usual Japanese's phrases already. hahas.I can really catch on to language pretty well. Hahas. Well, if I have interest that is. Oh wells. I'm already at my last 7 episodes or so. There's seventy in total. Weee.. I've already not attended 3 classes out of hmmm, 5? Excluding tomorrow's lesson. Hahahas. The lazy me has kicked in. =( Well for those who don't know. This laziness of mine was my downfall in o levels period. Will it be my downfall once again? I hope not. Well, initially I was very determined and hardworking during the first semester. But well, I think I became more and more distracted. Well, I use to read all the time last time too. Getting distracted during last semester. But hey, I managed well. But, I think I'm more distracted this time round. Let's just hope for the best. Hahahas. And I'll repeat this, I do not want to become the group leader. Weee... Did you know? I have this terrible 'Don't care' attitude. It pisses some of my friends off. Well, that's because I can shut out the world when I want to. Pretty bad sometimes. But I really love it when I do sometimes. Why? Because its peaceful and I don't think about anything else besides what I really want to do at that point of time. Well, I'm attending my first lesson of marketing tomorrow. I missed two lessons already. My friends will sure lecture me if they read this. They always do. But I think the more they did it, they more I ignored them. Hmmm... It use to work last time for a while. Until I got tired of the nagging, I use to remember switching off my phone just to avoid their phone calls. Sometimes I go to the extend of blocking them. Yes, literally shutting them out. I don't like people cramping me into one corner. Makes me feel uneasy and choked up. Hahahas. Well I got through the first semester. I'll be fine in this one as well! =) Anyways, I wanna thank wanru and eugenia for making me quite immune. I'm not as immune as them. But hey, I know when to switch it on and off. hahahas. You know, sometimes people are so concern about other people all the time. Sometimes other people do need their own air to breathe you know. So I'll not bother that person. Pretty interesting huh? But its part of some people's personality to just care. They cannot help but worry and all. Sometimes they say to me 'you don't care mehs?'. Hahahas. I do, but well, I cannot be bothered or rather, should I? Most of the time I'll say, they chose to be that way. Let them be. They'll grow. Like I did. Like I was forced to. Like I had to. Gosh, I feel kinda bitter now huh? Hmmm, bitter.. I wonder.. That doesn't really fit me, does it? The tendency to just scoff at people. Doesn't fit at all.. Enrolment 2008
Ok! Photos up! If you want the extreme biggest size one, please talk to me in MSN. Hahahas. =)Other than that, grab from me in my photobucket account. =) PHOTOS! =) ![]() So many..
I just finished clearing the photos in my computer. -.-I've been at it for an hour already. Now I'm sorting out my files. I combined the photos from my laptop and my old computer and all the new photos. All my photos inclusive of my sister's and mother's takes up almost 5 GB. I know its not a lot to some of you. But I was looking at the amount of folders I made. There were so many outings that we went to, people!!! Cut down on the picture taking sessions!!!!!!!!! hahas. But I've not really seen the pictures. No time. I shall do it when I'm in a bad mood. And my pictures goes all the way back in Secondary 2. -.- Not so much there of course. Maybe I should delete it. But I'm not too sure. Hmmm.. I'm bored. Oh yea, I'll upload the photos soon. The enrolment photos for today. But I'm having a slight headache now and would not like to do it!!! And my lazy side is kicking in. But I don't think it will jeopardize anything major. Let's just hope for the best. =) Manga
Ok, I've been reading manga these past few days. So far, I've been reading this particular one. Which is quite nice. Hahas. I just finished reading it. There was 21 Volumes. =( A lot, mind you.It took me a few days with the on and off interest. It ended up ok, I guess. Now I'm reading the new book. As you can see, a new book crossed off the list. The Kovan people called me saying that the book arrive already. I pre-ordered it from them. =) So far, its pretty good. Typical Stephanie Laurens though. Hahahas. =) Ok, thats all. I"m kinda bored.. Waiting..
I'm now waiting to break fast. Hahas.BORED. No food at home.. Not really. There's left over from yesterday. So, gonna eat that. My parents went to class. So, cannot cook. I think I'll survive. Hahas.. I feel like eat fried rice. My own cooking one. Hahahas. Maybe I'll eat that for supper. This is the bad thing about fasting.. You starve yourself the whole day, and you end up eating a lot at night. Which is not good. But the purpose is actually not to eat at night. You're suppose to just eat the right amount at the breaking fast time. Hahahas. This is why I don't gain weight during fasting month. -.- I usually just maintain. LOLs. Ok, I'm going to bother myself with other things. LOLs. |