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This blog was opened by haniza to accomodate my mindless musings and daily rantings.Do enjoy your stay here, and don't take what's not yours! tagboard
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Slightly Dangerous - Mary Balogh
Ok, this is like so fantastic. This book is like nice!!! Hahas. I just finished it an hour ago. Muahahahas. This is the Bedwyn series. Last book actually. It's a duke. I absolutely love him. I don't know whether he's the coolest Duke as what My Anh said, but he's cool, nonetheless; I don't have much dukes to compare him to. I have loads of Marquis though. Hehe.. I have a thing for dukes and marquises. weeee.. Ok, today went to study with huiyun. We sat down at macdonald, started studying only around 3 plus. LOLs. We studied only until 5 and started playing with the laptop already. hahahas. Then, went back studying in and out. Studied until 7 plus and headed out to eat. =) I spent 3 dollars 30 cents. hahahas. so budget. Ook, I'm going to read another book. I'm so terrible. Anyway, there will be no electricity in my house tomorrow. How dreadful. It's 8am until 5pm. They're changing some thingin'. Oh! I forgot to tell you guys, there was this girl, in Serangoon Sec sch uniform. She had short hair tied it up and have LOADS OF HAIRPINS on her hair. It's not those hair pins that slipped in only. It's those that you slip in and 'clack' the clip. It was black. I swear it to you, there was at least, AT LEAST 15 CLIPS ON HER HEAD. It was a lot. Me and huiyun tried to take a picture of it but failed. Hahahas. Too far to see the details. Hahahas. So EVIL! tsk tsk tsk. Ok! I'm off to read the other book.. Where's My Anh... All about Passion - Stephanie Laurens
If you're asking me whether this is better than Gabriel's Story, I cannot judge now because when I was reading this particular book today, there was so many interruptions. Yuanting with the going out and choosing an english name, Edwin with his poster project and with my hungry stomach. I can only give the verdict when I read this story again. LOLS. But what I really like about this story is that, it doesn't have the convincing to get married part. Hahahas. Which was such a breath of fresh air.. Chillingworth is damn nice in the story. Hahas. If you read the all the Bar Cynster series, you will notice that he appeared in almost every book. He's not a Cynster by blood, but they made him part of the clan. Because he was suited and well, he's very Cynster-ish. Which was very cool. hahas. He was really great in this story although I prefer him when he appeared in other stories. hahas. You know, its' like My Anh's Colin in somewhere compared to him in his own story. It's just different. Oh wells. One thing that I hope turned out differently was the female 'villian'. I wish she died in the end. hahahas. But she didn't, so sad. Chillingworth being galant and all. Honestly, she should have died. I'm so evil.. Ok, that's all. I'm going to read Slightly Dangerous now.. =) Hihi
Anyway, I looked back at ellis picture at least 5 time already and it never failed to make me laugh or smile at least. Hahahas.Ok, honestly ellis, you should be honoured. hahas. Ok, I'm currently listening to Jay Sean's 'Maybe'. You should listen to it. It on my playlist. By the way, my studying is like so sslloooowww.. LOLs. I should try to pick up the pace and start on my QS. LOLs. Then go back to Econs. LOLs. Ok, I finaly finished with the bar Cynster series. WEEE... I wonder how long it took me? 13 days, I think. I counted back. 13 books for 6 books. That's a bit slow for me. LOLS. It's ok. I'm finishing up the Honorary Cynster book. Chillingworth is like sooo cool. After this I'll go read Mary Balogh's Slightly Dangerous. My Anh said it was fantastic. hahas. I better not miss it then. Ok, what can I say for Bar Cynster series? You can Click on the pictures that will lead you to the summary page. They have the sypnosis there. Ok I start out with Devil's Bride. It started out ok. It was pretty nice. But one thing about Stephanie Laurens and most her books is that she has this tendency to repeat the story line in a way. There will always be a Criminal in a way endangering either the male lead or female lead. Not only that, the male lead will always detest getting married but when they fall in love or slept with the female, they feel a need to get married to the female. And the whole story would be about how he really convince the female lead to get married. LOLS See what I mean? It can get really tiring.. OK, I think the best I like would be... Secret Love. It's about Gabriel. =) I think I have a thing with males with this name. hahahas. I like one lead from Julie Garwood story too. Anyway, this story is the nicest compared to the rest. =) Followed by Devil's Bride and A Rougue's Proposal. The worse was? Hmmm... Let me think.. I think none of them is bad when you read them. hahas. Just don't do it at one shot like me. hahahas. But its nicer because you want to know what happens to the next one. And Stephanie Laurens have a way to intrigue someone at the epilogue for the next book. hahas. Ok! Hold on. I'll finish up the honorary cynster book. =) And I'll come back to talk about it. Randomness
Ok, I'm a bit bored here in Macdonalds. So just posting up random stuff. Ellis was sleeping just now and now she's trying her best to do her Korean. LOLs. I'm not very bored as you can see. We are not waiting for Wanru to arrive and Eugenia Lau to bring us to Dinner at Newton. Seafood here I come! WEeee. Hahas.Yes, its this place at Newton that sells seafood. Looks good so we decided to check it out today. Only me, eliis and lau going. The rest is not going. Tests and studies comes first. At least I did some questions, not very productive. But not bad lar. Ok! I'm going to try to go back to studying right now. Weeee... See ya! Oh, and I think I'm smelling maple syrup. -licks lips- Hahahas. happy birthday
Shocking news
You know what?!!! I found out something from my sister. She's currently teaching this girl tuition. So, she told me that the family actually takes care of this baby, this 9 months old baby.He is damn cute. But the MCYDS is in charge of the baby currently. This usually happens when something wrong is going on in the family. So the baby is taken away from the family and ask another family to take care of the baby for a while. Ok, moving forward, the shocking thing was that, the baby's stepsister (12 year old girl), actually broke the baby's arm. Ok, let me repeat that, break the baby's arm! I was like 'HUH?!' The stupid damnable girl twisted the baby's arm. And NOBODY NOTICED! Until 2 WEEKS LATER. The baby kept crying. OMG. I want to cry just talking about it. My tears are threatening to fall. LIKE OH MY GOD. Can you imagine the poor baby's misery, not knowing what words to say but only to cry because of his pain??? I swear it to you, even though I don't like children that doesn't mean I'm cruel to them! -kicks the girl- ARGH! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So irritating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -Sighs- Damn sad can!!! See what I mean??? children nowadays (the 12 year old), are so cruel! I bet she kick cats on the way to school too! I'm not blaming the baby yet. Still pure. GOSH, I wanna go up to the girl and slap her! I mean it. I feel like throwing something too! Ok, I think you get the idea of what is going on. I'm going off now. sighs. So sad. -sniff- The huge card
Ok, went out to kbox today. like finally, after so long. Me and ellis went to get her laptop fixed but cannot get it fixed today. -.- Need to go another place to grab the AC power adapter.So, went off to Qiji to eat. =) Then, go to kbox to sing. for like 3 hours only? SIANS. The kbox don't know why only 3 hours only. We thought its 5 hours lor. CHEATED. We are going to go another next time. scoff. After which, went to shop around. We bought tank top from mango. LOLS. Then, headed off to potong pasir to write on Eugenia Tan's card. HUGE CARD. I show you! Its damn cute can. We didn't really read it when we were in the shop but we grabbed it because its nice on the outer and all? Hahas. I was laughing and is so amused when i found out the wordings. weee... It's 'Hope you appreciate this HUGE Birthday card'. Even though I think you all can read. hahahas. This is the funny part. 'HEY, licking two feet of envelope glue is no easy task' It's really huge. You can see how big it is downstairs. This is damn CUTE! You can't really see properly because I decided to be artistic at the wrong time. -.- Anyways, its 'So... Thirsty... Need... WATER!' Hahas. Then the mouse drags itself to the glass of water at the end. Weeee... So cute right? hahas. This is Ellis with the HUGE card. I hate to admit this but ellis took my photo nicer than I took hers. Or maybe its just me in the picture? Hahahas. =p Ellis started to cam whore with my phone. and MY spectacles. hahas. This is dedicated to eugenia lau. This picture I mean. hahas. So unglam. I think if I look back another day, I'll laugh. Hahahas. hehe. -runs before ellis kills me- (i'm helping lau here.) hehe. A few things
Ok, today was a pretty hectic day. First off, I went to a wedding. It was my Cousin's Cousin's wedding. LOLS. I know him, but I think the last time I saw him was when I was ten. LOLS.Ok, so today was his wedding day. Sat and talk with all my cousins. He asked about my o levels since I went to a private school, so I just said 5 credits. Then, he shook his head saying, 'still alive arhs?' Sighs. He looked damn disappointed but hey, its over and its not as if I can do anything about it besides striving for the future. I couldn't say anything obviously. I mean, what can I say? Then, the conversation was brought to my cousin who is actually in Australia. She's studying there. Well, none of us is like too happy with that because she's kinda wasting her parent's money. Worse thing we found out was that when she comes back here, she cannot do Singapore Law because its not approved. She has to take another dip and all. So, she decided to go to Malaysia and get something from there, obviously concerning Law. But my cousin said, 'and her brother has to carry tyres to get money for his school fees' Erms, its literal sense by the way. My cousin goes for competition and when he wins them, he gets money obviously. Good news we found out is that he is actually taking his Doctorate right now. Yuanting, its the shrek cousin. LOLs. Ok, then we went to IMM to shop around. But me and my sister changed first. Went to Giant to get some stuff. Very little stuff. Then, the counter beside me has this woman who bought 47 maggi mee. I forgot what brand. Yupps. A lot huh? But she mentioned that it was not for herself. She bought it for other people as well. I was like, are you having a mee maggi party or what? So stingy. Hahahas. Of course I didn't say it. -.- Ok, then my family went to Daiso. =) Hui yun, this is for you! LOLs. I didn't know Daiso sells this. hahahas. Its like a whole shelf of hello kitty stuff. -.- Ok, then my father drived me to Bugis, dropped me off at Raffles Hospital. LOLs. Then I walked to Shaw Towers. =) We ate at Rama's Deli. I think. LOLs. Wasn't too sure about the name. LOLs. I was full when I finished the soup. Its like one whole plate can? It came with this. Erms, one for each person. Not all four for one person. hahahas. I ate the Spicy cheese Spagetti. Guess what? The front one if mine. And the back one is Wanru's. =) I didn't finished it. LOLs. -claps for wanru- I was damn full. I think its because I ate lunch at the wedding already. LOLs. But everyone was struggling. The only people who finished was Wanru and Eugenia Tan. Hahas. But I left the most food. -.- Ok, then we ate at Newton. LOLS. Eugenia Lau paid for our desserts. Thank you! And I paid for the Satay. LOLS. only 15 sticks. Hahahs. But I ate quite a bit. tsk tsk tsk. Ok, got home afterwards. When I settled in front of my computer. My sister wanted to use the computer to send photos to him. Obviously I was pissed. Sorry, I'm very possesive. My computer is my territory. -rawr- LOLs. Then, when I laid on the bed, I had these terrible thoughts in my head. As you know, she's on a temporary break for one month. For anyone who doesn't know what it is about, its like when you get sick of someone after you know them, you break with them for a while. So, after that trial period, you decide again whether you want to continue the relationship or not. Gosh, if I were her, I'll take this time to just forget about him and move on. I mean, the guy suggested the break, doesn't it say something to you? HELLO... I would just break immediately in fact. I'm kinda frustrated with my sister. I mean, she's getting clingy. Still going to his house, cooking for him. sighs. Why does love do this to someone. Look to all my friends, if I ever get this terrible, I want someone to just slap me in the face and tell me to wake up. Ok? Because as a friend, I need you to do that. Got me? Ok, I'm done. I'll probably delete that part soon. LOLs. Ok, this is a short post. I saw Keong Yee yesterday. Almost everyone that I know have no idea who the hell is this guy. Hahas. But he's actually my classmate from primary school. He stays around my area but we hardly cross path. He's now in Catholic JC. LOLs. He's those sort of sweet kinda guy, very nice. Hahas. Anyways, I was eating prata with yuanting. then he walked past the shop. Naturally, I called out to him. And he didn't remember my name. How terrible is that? But its okay considering the fact that he actually admitted the fact and apologize. So sweet. But YUANTING. ARGH. She just have to spoil it somehow. If the table was cleared below, I'll kick her legs. She said to me, IN FRONT OF HIM, 'Great, you said hi to someone who doesn't remember your name.' -.- Yupps, who wouldn't want to just slap her face. And I should have said something but oh wells. But soon after he went off after we said hi and all. Well, yuanting, so much for dedicating the post to you because of the books. -.- Anyway, she was the one who counted the book's prices for me. LOLS. I said the price and she typed in the value in the calculator. THANKS anyways. See ya around peeps. Decided
I've decided to get the bar cynster series after reading the 5th book. WEEEE.. Hahas. Now, I've got to slowly collect. I think I should get Grabriel's book first because its's definitely his story that spurred me on! hahahas. SO NICE. Just finished it.I'm on the last book of the Bar cynster series. =) 6 books to collect. Hmmm... Fasting month is coming. GOOD. hahaha. I can pay ellis first and start on my series. Muahahahas. I got my rose shell from fluff friends already. =) I'm hungry. Woke up at 3 pm today. YUPPS. 3 o clock. Hahahas. I slept at 7 today. My body clock is SO turning AGAIN. LOLS. Oh well, we shall try to turn it back soon. LOLS. 123
sian. my stomach hurts now. LOLS. dun noe why. Just ate at 11 plus. supper with huiyun, yanping and peiling. Hahas. it was at Buangkok mrt there the kopitiam, 24 hours. hahas.then me and huiyun walked home. damn far. lols. i think i walked like 20 minutes ++. LOLS. I'm on the fourth book of Bar Cynster Series, did I mention this before? i don't know. I'm waiting for my scanning to finish. SIAN. Oh, revision class today was BORING. -yawns- its like she taught what ever our teacher taught us before. I even heard some of the people saying, 'i miss vivien' indeed, now they appreciate our teacher since this study hod is not that fantastic. let's just say, this teacher is more strict. And she loves to talk about one thing very very very long. Unfortunately, she had to rush through the ending part. -.- so terrible. oh well. -shrugs- i didn't listen after the first hour. Couldn't take it already. ok, I so cannot be bothered to wait for my scanning. I'm going to stop it now. LOLS. see ya! sick
my tummy hurts. don't know why.And I have mucus flowing out of my nose right now. =( Yes, i'm sick. How unfortunate. Tomorrow got night classes and we're going out to study tomorrow. but I don't know whether it's confirmed. LOLS. Shall see how later. Done!
Guess what, I've already finished reading the 4th book of Bar Cynster Series. I'm going to read the 5th book soon. Hahas. =)Anyway, my Colin is the 'KING OF THE WAVES' now. Hehe. I've even gotten the luna shell. =) Which was not easy by the way. Hahas. Ok, I'm off to race him. I'm going for the rose shell now. See ya around! sian..
I went to study today. Not really productive today. Hahahas. Oh wells. Then, coincidentally me and huiyun actually wore the opposite colour of each other. It's pretty hilarious. Hahas.![]() ![]() We didn't plan it by the way. Hahahas. If you guys a bit clueless, it's black and pink shorts and black and pink top. LOLs. Cute right? By the way, we were trying to take the second picture when people are like flooding inside the toilet one after another. Damn funny and embarrassing. =) I'm off to play with my Colin. Trying to get the luna shell. Hahahas. Photos Up
Ok, my whole album is made public. But you guys cannot upload photos in. If you guys do want to, feel free to tell me! LOLs. =) Wanru's photos are also up. Go check it out and feel free to use them for your blogs. =)
![]() Bored
Ok, I'm here waiting for my computer to finish the virus scan. Because I need to reorganize my files and folders. Why can't I do it when my computer is doing the virus scan? Because, when I want to move something over, another program is using that particular file. -.- Which in this case is my virus program. LOLs.I'm using AVG. I'm a fan!! Weee. I love their new image. Anyway, now I'm very very careful with what I download in Limewire. There's so many trojan horse. EEEEEKKKK. So irritating. I want consider deleting it. It's so dangerous. How do I be careful? When ever I download a new file, I'll run the virus scan on it. Well, I already had a few Trojan Horses. The spywares are normal, so I'm not too concern. But the when I see the virus, I'll start to panic. Hahas. And so, be sure to heal the files first, then delete the file straight away. And with this habit, I'll actually clear my recycle bin very often although the files do not end up at recycle bin. They will be permenantly deleted. I think my virus scan covers the spywares but typical singaporean. KIASU. so, I have another anti-spyware from AVG. See? supporter. Hahahas. Anyway, when I was downloading files today. Itunes and Divx, my speed was 1MB/s. Like OMG!!! Ok, to those people who do not understand. In that speed for a normal song of size 5MB, I'll be able to get a song in 5 SECONDS. 1MB is the highest it has gotten before. When i started seeing 700KB/s. I was like WOAH!!! Hahahas. And obviously that's not the highest speed lar. But this is the first time I see their prowess. WOOHOO. But normal loading of youtube is still the same speed because that's their own's website server problem. LOLs. Of course the scan is not over yet. LOLs. Anyway, I did my english test today. Got 35 only. I feel as if my score range only from 35-39. LOLs. Even my econs, I got the same test marks. and my QS only a difference of 4 marks. Hmmm.. Weird huh? Ok! I'm aiming for 90 for all subjects. YEA RIGHT. I hope can make it. I think it's possible for QS and Econs. But english? hmmm, LOADS of doubts. Ok, I wanna go off now. And by the way, a cherry does not take 2 months or 2 years or 3 years to digest. Sad. I was expecting more. But, it digests like normal. But I'm like, so what did Mrs Azlan told us in Bio lessons??? Hmmm... Anyway, some of you are asking where I got the links for other people's blog. People, information is just a CLICK AWAY. weee.. I got quite a lot of people in my link liao. For my school obviously. There's two more I didn't add actually. LOLS. yea, I still have huh? Yupps. OKOK. I'm done. No, the virus scan is not over. -.- I'm just going off. See ya! and WANRU UPLOAD PHOTOS! hehe. happy birthday
Happy Birthday FELICIA TAN!
Hope you had a great day today with us! =) 21 July 2008 OMG look at the time posted? eh? is it correct? hmmm... Felicia's Birthday 08
Ok, her birthday is tomorrow but, LOLs. We celebrated it today. =) But I can post the birthday message like after this? LOLs. Nvm. These are some of the photos that we took today. Most of the group photos are with wanru. We have to wait for the photos to come. LOLs.![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Since this is me and Scze we, she told me to mention her in my blog. Hahahas. So here we are!!! SCZE WE!!!! LOLS. So funny. She came later than us. Hahahas. =) ![]() Alrightey! You can access the pictures from my handphone from my photobucket account. =) http://s128.photobucket.com/albums/p184/hanistar/birthday/Felicia_08/ No password this time round. =) By the way, the account that you guys wanna create. What username??? LOLs. Bored
I'm hungry... I haven't eat yet. -Growls-I'm going to see whether my mummy has any food for me. She's at sheng shiong. Is that how you spell it? Anyway, you need to check out the new song that I'm obsess with. 'One step at a time' by Jordin Sparks. -sings along to the song- weeee. And I'm petting others in my facebook's fluff friends. No life. Hahahas. Fluff friends rawks. My colin.. weeeee.... That's my pet name. Most of you don't read the books that I read but let me just tell you that Colin is NOT for Colin Bridgerton! It's for Colin in 'The castles' and 'Guardian Angel' by Julie Garwood. Hahas. His nick name is Dolphin. He's not Gay or something. Hahahas. But if you read Guardian Angel, you'll know. Yuanting probably knows what I'm talking about. Yes, it's the book that fell into the toilet bowl. HAHAHAS. I'm not kidding by the way. So BEWARE if you're borrowing my books. You'll never know which are the ones that fell somewhere!!! Yea right. That was the only book. Anyway, gwen, do you know that the book you borrowed from me, 'The secret diaries of Miss Cheever'. You opened the book VERY WIDE lehs.. There were lines at the side. =( It's a new book. I bought it for 15.50. I only read it twice. So people please do not open the book too widely next time. It'll gives the book terrible cracks. Anyway, for book lovers, I found a method to get rid of the brown colour thingin' at the side of the pages. You can use sandpaper! Hahahas. I saw they did it in SANS bookshop. Anyway, the books that I want at the side: ![]() This is the 7th book of the Bastian Club Series. I think there's a few more before the Series completes. I'm collecting this particular series. Now that I've read the Cynster series, I wish I had started on the Bar Cynster series instead. =( Maybe I should collect only that one. HMMM... Because for your information, the Bar Cynster has 6 books. But, the whole Cynster series have like hmmm, 15 books? Hahas. ![]() Anyway, this is my old set of books! If you notice it's only one shelf. By the way, There's that number of books at the back as well. LOLs. ![]() This is the whole Julia Quinn collection! Hahahas. Two of the book's not mine though. LOLs. ![]() This is the Bastian Club Series that I'm collecting. OOPs. Minus the last book. AND inclusive of another book that my friend is holding. LOLs. ![]() ![]() Last of all, my whole new complete bookshelf, moved to the other compartment. MUAHAHAHAS. ![]() MUAHAHAHAHAS. Excluding the new book I just bought. OMG. I could buy so many things with $700 bucks. Hmmm... shrugs
Guess what? We did not go to Marina in the end. Because of the rain. Oh wells. A bit disappointed. Nonetheless, I stayed at home and went out for dinner with my parents.It's been so long since I went out with my parents and ate dinner with my aunty and uncle. Hahas. Anyway, I think I've been eating junk food these few days. I ate maggi mee the other day. Yesterday, I finished the potato chips packet that ellis left the other day and just now, I just indulged in Kinder Bueno. LOLs Tomorrow going for Felicia Tan's Birthday celebration and going to Ikea to apply for job. A bit hesitant. Hais.. So much for wanting a job. Argh. We shall see how it turns out. I'm on the third book of the Cynster series. weeee... Krit Dinner Outing
Ok, Now is the outing with Krit. Since I was lazy to post everything up. Hahahas. I shall give you guys glimpse of it. =)![]() This was the pictures we took after we bathed in Sentosa. =) ![]() Ok, do not kill me! Hahahas. But we were like doing this a bit non-stop. hahahahas. ![]() These pictures were of course with the man himself. =) Most of us managed to take a picture with him. And I have to admit, Krit, you are so good with the camera. Hahahas. He has a cute face! =) Hahahas. Hope to see you back in Singapore soon!!! ![]() These are the group photos. The middle picture was without yuanting and celest. =( One left, one haven't come. But a lot of people right??? Like 20+ I couldn't believe many came either. So nice!!! Hahahas. =) And my outing to marina is confirmed already. LOLs. So weird. Only me, lau and wanru. I shall see whether I want to take pictures. hahahas. But definitely will take the fireworks. But, what am I going to bring to do later? Hais.. Ellis Birthday
![]() I should have uploaded this like one month ago? Yea, I know. Anyway, this is during the dinner. ![]() As you can see, my face is ALWAYS cut off. Who's skills is this??? Huh... Anyways, we were camwhoring on ellis birthday. On the way to the viewing mall at changi airport. On the esculator kept going up and down just to take photos. -.- ![]() Ok, next post! Dinner with Krit! -Shrugs-
I just woke up like 45 minutes ago. But I was woken up at 9 plus because of someone knocking on a nail with a hammer!!!! So irritating they have been at it for days already.But managed to sleep back. Muahahahas. Pig indded. I slept at hmmm, 3 yesterday? But my eyes were so droopy. I'm getting bad at it. Hahas. I have not finished the book but I'm already 3/4 of the book. I might be going to Marina today. But still not confirmed. To watch the fireworks and black knights. =) Black knights. weeee. Oh! I got an English test this monday. Haven't study. I hope it's not too hard. I think it's quite difficult to get a A for English. Hmmm... Shall see how. I think I forgot to post at wordpress that I'm moving. Ok, shall do it now. Oh wait, I need to watch Black Knight. Gio said it was not to be missed. Maybe I'll catch it next week. Last day of school on Monday and I have to study for my exams already. =) full
I'm very full right now. Just finished eating my supper cum dinner. Ate 'ikan bakar' weeee..I actually ate 'bread' with a tin of chili tuna for my lunch. You know the Ayam Brand one? The damn hot chili one. I finished one whole tin without crying but my mucus was threatening to come out. Hahahahahas. Then, kept drinking water. Hahas. It was chili padi after all. =) One whole tin can. Now, I'm prowling on a settee like fat lazy cat. Hahahahas. Except for the part for prowling, settee and cat. hahahahas. Hmmm, I'm reading the second of the Cynster series. So far so good. =) And I really miss Angie! (She's like my msn buddy). She went to Japan for business trip. sighs. She'll be back on monday. I have been caring for her pet on facebook everyday. Hahas. And people, I hate to say this but please start using facebook. Friendster a bit hmmm, how shall I phrase this without being rude? Oh well, shall forget about that. I'm going to read my book. On second thoughts, I feel like shitting. I think its because of the amount of chili I had for the day. That reminds me, I have made a new friend, Pei Ling, she reminds me of Grace and Wan Xuan combined. hahahas. Not to mention Suzanna (just the turning red part). She doesn't eat chili at all. She cannot stand the hot-ness? Yea. The true pleasures of life, running in and out of the bathroom. Please do not attempt this unless you can bare the chili effect on your anus. Ok, wrong info. (Others: I so do not need to know that.) Yea, I know. I just couldn't help myself. -Shrugs- See you people!!! Hungry
I feel like a hungry ghost prowling around. =( My stomach's very empty and there's nothing to eat at home. boo hoo. :'(Anyway, I got back my maths test today. 26 marks. -.- Better than most but loads of careless mistakes. Oh well, I need a 78 for an A. I just realise that even if you score very well in other aspects of your overall marks, you still need to do very well in your final exams. So, I'm definitely putting 110% for my finals. To all those who cannot stop copying, I hope you guys rot or something. It's very low and I'll just hope that the seating for the exams are different or there's a huge space in the middle. I think that would only be fair for everyone else. Oh well. For those who didn't do very well, well, I hope that you guys will just cease talking in class and pay more attention. Even if you studied at home, if you're not listening in class, what's the point. Unless you can catch up on your own. But, do not complain at the end of the day if you did not study or put in your effort. You reap what you sow. So if you need any help and you really really like to score a substantial grade then look for me. If you just want to settle for a pass, don't bother. Because you should do not deserve to settle for less. Ok, I shall prowl on my kitchen walls and floor. HUNGRY! :( Ok, this is like launch of my new blog. I've decided to change back to blogspot because there's a lot more choices. Not only that, I cannot live without music. So, I need the music here in my blog. I don't I can import my previous posts from my wordpress blog. Oh well. Here I am now. I finally gotten back my tests back. I got 42 for Econs. =( Because of my project, I need to score 87.5 for my exams in order to get an A. How sad. But not impossible!!! Hahas. Hmmm, I'm very bored these few days. I should start my schedule for revision already. Anyway, for anyone who needs help for your exams, feel free to ask me! =) And I need study buddies for the weekdays. hmmm. I want to complete the Cynsters Series. WEEEEE. It's a series of like 15 books currently by Stephanie Laurens. And I still want that book from Karen Kawkins! 'To Scotland, With love'. And I want the narnia book!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh well. -shrugs- Save money.. I should post photos up. Hahas. My Presentation day. Here goes.. ![]() ![]() LOLS That's all I think. I'm bored... I shall go and read the second book of the Cynster Series. WEEE.. |